You sir, have inspired me!! The PCI-e SSD is a lot faster than a SATA one, ya? I have an OWC 120 GB SATA SSD that has done great for me, but I could stand to get a larger one anyhow.I'm loving the possibilities here. With the SSD and other upgrades, there is little difference in performance with the 2012 Mac Pro, even the benchmarks prove that. I have the exact same machine as you, but I did the CPU upgrade to dual quad X5355, 32gb ram, 240gb PCI-E SSD, flashed the SMC and Firmware to 2,1, as well as flashing a PC ATI 5870. I would recommend using SFOTT to get OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 on there.
The method you used to install OS X Mountain Lion is old and depreciated. I'm going to try the old graphics card (original one) when I get home from work today. If I hold down the option key, the machine stays, but there is still no video. I hear the Apple "chime" then the the Mac turns itself off after about 10 seconds. I have tried booting to a Mtn Lion flash drive, but there is an over-reaching issue with the graphics card it just will not post video at all when I power on the machine. I can't wait 5 seconds, as the KB says to do. I have tried this, but the MacPro powers itself on as soon as I plug in the power cable.

Shut down the computer.Unplug the computer's power cord.Wait fifteen seconds.Attach the computer's power cord.Wait five seconds, then press the power button to turn on the computer."
"Resetting the SMC for Mac Pro, Intel-based iMac, Intel-based Mac mini, or Intel-based Xserve A SMC reset is just leaving it unplugged for 15 seconds or more, right? According to this Apple KB : You should be able to by booting into a bootable installer. Otherwise I would run a disk check on the boot partition. Everything on the boot and OS drives should be the same, if I can just get video to post, it should work again. I have time machine backups, I just need it to start posting video again. Checking the fan on the graphics card to ensure it's spinning and the card has power (it does). Moving boot drive from bay 4 to bay 1 and back. Holding option key while powering on to boot to Mtn. It shuts itself off after trying to boot for about 10 seconds. Apparently that was a mistake, becasue now my Mac boot or even won't post video. I was trying to get iMessage to work, so a did a PRAM reset. Boot drive (uses Chamelon Bootloader for EFI64 emulation).

It has the upgraded Apple HD5770 graphics card. Hello fellow techs, I have a Mac Pro 1.1 (2006 model) setup to run Montain Lion (via EFI64 mod here: http:/ / ? p=47).